Tech Videos
Tech video lunches were a tradition at several Pivotal offices (San Francisco and Palo Alto. Others?) Here is a list of videos we watched.
- Christin Gorman - How to make your code sustainable
- Sandi Metz: SOLID Object-Oriented Design
- Michael Bernstein - Know Your Types
- Kerri Miller - 5 things I wish someone had told me about programming before I started
- (WWDC) advanced touch input
- (WWDC) Advanced NSOperations
- (WWDC) mysteries of autolayout
- Nathaniel Talbott - Maintaining Sanity
- Prometheus: Designing and Implementing a Modern Monitoring Solution in Go — Björn Rabenstein
- A Practical Guide to Preventing Deadlocks and Leaks in Go — Richard Fliam
- Go kit: A Standard Library for Distributed Programming — Peter Bourgon
- The Many Faces of Struct Tags — Sam Helman and Kyle Erf
- Douglas Crockford: Monads and Gonads
In-office Tech Talks
At some Pivotal offices (Santa Monica, San Francisco—which others?) Pivots and guests gave tech talks at lunch. Here is a partial list, with the collator’s recommendations marked with a star.
- Startup Adventures — Shawn Masavage, Edge Tech Labs
- 🌟🌟 Matthew Kocher - Container Wars
- The Mikado Method — Sam Zhang
- Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality — Andrew Gassen
- Design — Mariesa Dale
- HAWQ — CJ Jameson & Ben Calegari, Pivotal
- Focus on Allies — Valerie Aurora, Frame Shift Initiative
- Changing the Ratio — Leslie Miley, Slack
- Of Mites and Men — Michelle Trautwein, California Academy of Sciences
- Why I Left a Successful Startup to Join Pivotal — William Lindner
- The Words By Which We Refer to Objects and Concepts — Jared Friese
- Building Open Source Applications for Cloud Foundry with Docker — Rami Kiriako, Dirk Janssen
- Retrospectives — Jared Friese
- Make the Right Thing the Easy Thing — Michael Vos
- Lightning Talks – Kevin Chang, Shanfan Huang, Liam Moreley, and Randy Laskowski
- Whiteboard Drawing 101 — Shanfan Huang
- Structured Agile Retrospectives — Enrico Teotti
- Test and Testability — Avery Yen
- Lean Product Development — Michael Fisher
- Deploying Cloud Foundry Locally with BBL — Angela Chin, Christian Ang
- Redis Labs Integration — Cassie Zimmerman and Adi Foulger
- React on Rails and Programmer Happiness — Justin Gordon
- BBC MicroBits: Programming Made Fun Again — Matt Aimonetti
- Computer Science Education as an Engineering Problem — Emmanuel Schanzer
- 🌟 Software Development Waste: The First Evidence-Based Waste Taxonomy — Todd Sedano
- Delivering Effective Feedback – Jared Friese
- Accessibility – Mayra Vega
- Parrit for Pair Rotation Management – Greubel, Dreesen, Fitzpatrick
- Log Analysis – Ambarish Joshi
- CloudFoundry Foundation – Chip Childers
- 🌟 Understanding Waterfall – Pete Alfvin
- Apple GameplayKit – Scott Orlyck
- Modeling Engine Degradation – April Song
- Building Lean Microservices – Jeff Taylor
- 🌟🌟 Networking 101 for Software Engineers – Gabriel Rosenhouse
- Cloud Native Architectures and Microservices – Kenny Bastani
- Kotlin – Leonhardt Koepsell
- Paulina Galindo: Through the Lens of a Photographer
- Consensus in Distributed Systems – Rowan Jacobs
- Namespaces and Networking in Linux and Cloud Foundry – Angela Chin and Amelia Downs
- The Land before Bosh – Genevieve L’Esperance
- Using Architecture Decision Records – Jonathan Wolski
- 🌟🌟 Creating Survey Questions – Dirk Janssen
Longer Ones (but interesting)
- David Edwards, Mike Kenyon, Zoe Gagnon - SOLID in the Wild: Life When Your Software is Actually Soft
- Greg Wilson - What We Actually Know About Software Development, and Why We Believe It’s True
- Robert Martin - Architecture: The Lost Years
- Boundaries in Practice - Ayaka Nonaka
- Gary Bernhardt - Boundaries
- Mike Bernstein - To know a garbage collector
- The secret assumpions of Agile
- Bret Victor - Inventing on Principle
- Bret Victor - the future of programming
- Sandi Metz - Shotgun Surgery
- Andy Matuschak - let’s refactor a HUGE UIViewController
- Classical Inheritance is Obsolete - How to Think in Prototypal OO
- Katrina Owen - Here be dragons
- Sandi Metz - Nothing is something
- Ben Orenstein - Refactoring from Good to Great
- Tom Stuart - Refactoring Ruby with Monads
- Molly Dishman & Martin Fowler - Agile Architecture
- Jim Weirich - Decoupling from Rails
- Jim Weirich - Y-Not
- Scott Hansleman - Virtual Machines, JavaScript and Assembler
- Smit Shah - Resilient by Design
- Thorsten Ball - Unicorn Unix Magic Tricks
- Google - High Performance HTML5
- Rich Hickey - Hammock Driven Development
- J. B. Rainsberger - Integrated Tests Are a Scam
- Anders Hejlsberg - Evolving JavaScript with TypeScript
- Rich Hickey - The Language of the System
- Needs to be 2-part
- Linear Book Scanner
- Mike Desjardins - Rails Sojourn: One Man’s Journey
- Theo Schlossnagle - Career Development
- Martijn Verburg - The Diabolical Developer
- Bryan Lunduke - Linux Sucks
- Steve Yegge - GROK
- Needs to be 2-part, this is a 1hour 20min talk
- Sarah Clatterbuck - Stealth Accessibility
- Satya Kanduri, Abhimanyu Lad - Search Quality at LinkedIn
- Adam Wolff - Rebuilding Facebook Chat
- Collins & Fitzpatrick - How Open Source Projects Survive Poisonous People
- Raymond Blum - How Google backs up the Internet
- Luke Wroblewski - Mobile to the Future
- Matt Aimonetti - Wicked Bad Ruby
- Brian Beckman - Don’t fear the Monad
- Kevin Berridge - OOP: You’re Doing It Completely Wrong (Stir Trek Edition)
- Ward Cunningham - Smallest Federated Wiki
- Martin Fowler - Introduction to NoSQL
- Richard Stallman - Copyrights (University of Calgary)
- John Wilkinson, Anthony Zacharakis - SOA Without the Tears
- Rich Hickey - Simplicity Matters
- (a talk mentioned in Serguei’s lightning talk)
- John Duff - How Shopify Scales Rails
- Pete Hunt - Be Predictable, Not Correct
- Koichi Sasada - Toward Efficient Ruby 2.1
- Des Traynor - Communication and Content in Web Software
- Stuart Halloway - Simplicity Ain’t Easy
- a talk mentioned in Serguei’s lightning talk
- Oliver Franzke - Broken Age’s Approach to Scalability (private link)
- Brendan Eich - JavaScript Taking Both the High and Low Roads
- Will Farrington: “Boxen: How to manage an army of laptops” - Some impressive stuff github is doing for machine management.
- Ted Nyman - Scaling Happiness
- Ann Cavoukian - Privacy By Design
- Linus Torvalds - Git
- Gary Bernhardt - Boundaries
- Steve Freeman - Test-Driven Development (that’s not what we meant)
- Brian Foote - Big Ball of Mud
- Rob Fitzpatrick - Getting Customer Development Done Right
- Steven Blank - The Best Video on Customer Development
- Joshua Bloch - How to Design a Good API and Why it Matters
- Paul Gross - Uptime == Money: High Availability at Braintree
- Sam Saffron & Jeff Atwood - Measuring Ruby (performance testing)
- Jared Spool - Anatomy of a Design Decision
- Alex Wright - The Web That Wasn’t
- Yehuda Katz - A Tale of Two MVCs
- Shimon Schocken - From Nand to Tetris in 12 Steps
- Nick Gauthier - Outside-In Testing
- Rust: A Friendly Introduction
- (slides at
- Robert Martin - Architecture: The Lost Years
- Sean Malone - Distributed File Storage Using JavaScript Botnets
- Conrad Irwin - Pry: The Good Parts
- Zach Briggs - Nobody Will Train You But You
- Ember.js vs Angular Cage Match - Tom Dale & Rob Conery battle over which framework is easier to use and more powerful:
- Gene Kim: “Why we need devops?” - 30000 feet view of why devops is valuable and how to do it. the market for this is 3 trillion. Victor - The Future of Programming
- James Turnbull: “Hell has frozen over: DevOps & Security” - how security people should change their work and how they talk about it.
- Sandi Metz: SOLID Object-Oriented Design
- TDD, where did it all go wrong - Ian Cooper:
- Barbara Liskov “The Power of Abstraction”:
- Craig Kerstins: “Postgres Demystified” - random, but stuff you didn’t know about Postgres.
- Brandon Keepers: “Ruby at Github” - Musings on ruby when to use, why to use. and problems (over time) in a big setup.
- Nathan Marz: “Storm”
- Michael Fairley: “Immutable Ruby” - how immutability can benefit your code.
- Greg Baugues: “Devs and Depression” - Type II Bipolar and ADD guy talks about depression and why we should be more attentive to our fellow devs.
- Rich Hickey - The Value of Values
- numerous videos form
- Peepcode Play by Play with Aaron Patterson
- Avdi Grimm - Confident Code
- Greg Moeck - Why You Don’t Get Mock Objects
- Avdi Grimm - Exceptional Ruby
- Peter Cooper - Ruby 1.9 walkthrough Part 3 (in Pivotal video library on Union)
- Jim Weirich - Grand Unified Theory of Software Design
- Rich Hickey - Simplicity Matters
- Sandi Metz - Designing Tests
- Jim Weirich - Writing Solid Ruby Code
- Ryan Singer - Designing with Horses
- Aaron Patterson - Rails 4 and the future of web
- Matt Wynne - Hexagonal Rails
- Sandi Metz - Go ahead make a mess
- Eric Evans - Strategic Design
- Alex Aitken, Nick Faulkner - Chasing the Golden GOOS
- Big Nerd Ranch - Rails 4 Whirlwind Tour
- Rob Pike - Concurrency Is Not Parallelism
- Katrina Owen - Therapeutic Refactoring
- Rich Hickey - The Database as a Value
- Brendan Eich - The State of JavaScript
- Paul Irish - 10 Things I Learned from the jQuery Source
- Gary Bernhardt - Capability vs Suitability
- Guy Steele - Growing a Language
- Build a Bigger Brain: How Healthy Living Makes You Smarter - Joe Kutner - Big Ruby 2013
- Bryan Helmkamp - Refactoring big AR models
- Scaling Pinterest
- Gary Bernhardt - Ruby vs Python
- Gary Bernhardt - Boundaries
- JB Rainsberger - Integrated tests are a scam
- Sandi Metz - Magick Tricks of Testing
- Sarah Mei - Is your code too solid?
- Reginald Braithwaite - Ruby Rewrite Ruby
- Gary Bernhardt - A Whole New World
- Sumana Harihareswara - Hospitality, Jerks and What I Learned
- Sandi Metz - All the Little Things
- Martin Fowler - Workflows of Refactoring
- Jessica Kerr - Functional Principles for Object-Oriented Developers
- Stephen Carver - Spaaaaaace Shuttle
- Greg Wilson - What We Actually Know About Software Development, and Why We Believe It’s True