From Pivotal
- Labs Practices
- “Open Sourced” how-to guides from Tanzu Labs, including templates for many sessions
- Maintained by Pivot Joe Moore’s
- Moved to this site when Tanzu consolidated all its learning materials under one banner
- The Anchor Playbook FIXME
- The Pivotal Glossary, by Megan Holzer
- A set of common Pivotal language
- Pivotal-style facilitaton notes
- Documenting the basics of how to facilitate a meeting: ground rules, standard meeting agendas, etc.
- Tanzu Miro Templates
- Note: this page might be going away when Tanzu ends their subscription
Other Sources
- Atlassian Team Playbooks
- Another collection of workshops
- Some overlap with what we used a Pivotal. Many good things here, complete with templates for Atlassian Products
- Agile Software Planning: What to do if Classic 2-Week Sprint Planning isn’t Working
- Automatic Project Management
- A presentation about the Pivotal Tracker Way
Team Structure
- Janice Fraser’s deck on Balanced Teams